Body Doubling

The presence of another can help you stay on task.
It can be helpful for anybody.

Do you have trouble with the following:

  • Concentrating
  • Staying organised
  • Managing your time
  • Controlling your impulses
  • Easily distracted
  • Lack of motivation 
  • Difficulty completing a task or even getting started

A Body double’s job is to keep you accountable and stay on track with your work.

Body doubling will provide you with that motivation.

I will help you to re-focus when you are distracted by your phone or various tabs open on your laptop etc. with a deadline approaching. 

In Sha Allah (God-willing) you will be more productive with me as your body-doubling buddy and you will be on top of your to-do list.

I will help you stay focused and productive.

What is a body double:

A body double has to keep a person focused on the task at hand to reduce potential distractions and increase productivity. A body double gives you (virtual) company while you work. My presence, although mostly silent, will provide you with support in keeping you focused and free from distractions.

A person can have a hard time getting started on a task if they are doing it by themselves, but if they know somebody else is relying on them and is holding them accountable, then they are more likely to get started and show up and make progress.

Body doubling can help you with any task

  • Work
  • Chores
  • Exercise
  • Schoolwork
  • Paperwork

I will be committed to you completing your work as you are.  I will not distract you with conversation or anything else.  I will make you feel comfortable and safe and will encourage you when necessary.

For more information or to book a session email  and please complete this form