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Relationship Spiritual Mindset Coach (Certified Life Coach)

Salaam! I’m Maryam Yousaf

Relationships are built on trust and transparency. As your coach, I will be compassionate and honest, offering sincere and valuable feedback while gently guiding you toward your best self. My approach fosters significant growth and helps you get unstuck. 

For over a decade, I’ve supported women worldwide in their journey to becoming their best selves, developing self-love, and deepening their connection with themselves and God. I’ve worked with women from all backgrounds to find meaning in their lives and navigate challenges, always ensuring they feel seen and heard.

As a Relationship Spiritual Mindset Coach, I believe that the key to unlocking true fulfilment and happiness lies in cultivating a deep and unwavering connection with oneself and God. By acknowledging and embracing our unique strengths, passions, and desires, we can break free from the shackles of societal expectations and societal conditioning, and instead, step into a place of authenticity and inner truth. Through my coaching services, I guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery, helping them to release self-doubt, negative self-talk, and limiting beliefs that hold them back from realising their full potential. By reconnecting with their inner wisdom and intuition, individuals can develop a profound sense of self-love and acceptance, allowing them to live a life that is true to who they are – a life that is filled with purpose, passion, and joy.

As they cultivate this deeper understanding of themselves, my coaching services will also empower individuals to build stronger, more authentic relationships with others. By living in alignment with their true nature and desires, they will be able to communicate more effectively, set healthy boundaries, and cultivate deeper connections with those around them. They will be better equipped to navigate conflicts and challenges in their relationships with empathy, compassion, and understanding. Ultimately, by becoming more confident in themselves and their own worthiness of love and respect, individuals will be able to attract healthier, more fulfilling relationships that support their growth and well-being God-willing.

I invite you to new possibilities, to open up and pull yourself out of a mindset that does not serve you and propel you into a life that is worthy of you.

I invite you to work with me one-on-one, in a safe space, where you have the freedom to speak your heart out without judgment and where you will be heard and seen. At this point, I will assist you in developing strategies to move past the challenges and obstacles you face, so you can have meaning, clarity, and peace in your day-to-day life.

Book a free 15-minute discovery call or book a one-to-one session with me today

Journey to a better me..

Bismillah to New Beginnings

Connect with Allah – Discover Your Inner Self – Align with Your True Purpose

You possess unique qualities from Allah. As your Muslim Life Coach,
I’m here to support you in discovering and utilising these strengths to their fullest.

Emotions can sometimes cloud our judgment, but it’s essential to remember that feelings don’t always reflect reality. They are subjective and can change. I’ll help you focus on the facts, navigate your challenges, and overcome limiting beliefs that may have kept you trapped in a cycle of pain.


What My Clients Have Said About Working With Me

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As your coach, I will guide and support you on your journey to success In Sha Allah

Coaching is about growth in all aspects of your life, allowing you to reach your potential by getting to the heart of the matter and help make meaningful progress.